Congestive heart failure is described as weakness of the heart muscle, usually due to heart disease but sometimes due to other conditions, that causes a buildup of fluid in body tissues.
The following are some tips to aid in the prevention of congestive heart failure:
Good old fruits and vegetables.
Whole fruit and fruit and vegetable juice, are high in potassium and come highly recommended. One study shows that elderly men who consumed food prepared with potassium-enriched salt (containing about half potassium chloride and half sodium chloride) had a 70% reduction in congestive heart failure.
Avoid painkillers.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appear to significantly increase the risk of congestive heart failure. The use of NSAIDs, which include ibuprofen have been found to double the likelihood of hospital admission with congestive heart failure the following week. This likelihood increased by more than 10 times for patients with a history of heart disease.
Taurine for congestive heart failure.
Taurine, an amino acid, helps increase the force and effectiveness of heart-muscle contractions. If taken regularly, taurine has been shown to work wonders as a treatment for congestive heart failure. Another amino acid that is recommended is arginine. It helps to make nitric oxide, which increases blood flow. Arginine supplementation is therefore also a recommended tip for heart health and treatment for congestive heart failure.
Of course this is a serious issue so make sure to speak to you doctor about his recommendations.