Green tea is believed to help you to lose weight. Fighting the battle of the extra pounds has become a serious matter today.
Does weight loss tea work? Well, kind of. It has caffeine in it, and caffeine does give your metabolism a slight boost with the effect called “thermogenesis.”
A weight loss tea diet is the regular intake of the tea. You may take green weight loss tea as a drink, pill or weight loss patch.
The weight loss tea weight loss effect is due to the EGCG antioxidant that increases energy and accelerates fat burning. That makes weight loss tea a very smart choice for all people who hate strict dieting, or are tired of starving, or everyday exercising.
Some homeopathic health professionals call for 10 cups of the green weight loss tea a day, while some health researchers say that 2 to 3 cups will do the trick. The average of 4 to 5 eight ounce cups of green tea per day should be good enough for most people.
If one adds weight loss tea to a proper diet and exercise, it can help them to lose weight on a long term basis.
Be sure to check with your doctor before adding a weight loss tea to your diet.