The Facts About Spirulina
Spirulina is a green micro alga. They are microscopic plants which grow in fresh water. They are green due to chlorophyll.
It is sold in the form of powder and can be found also in veggie capsules.
The S In Spirulina Stands For Superfoods
Just like Chlorella which we have previously blogged about here, Spirulina is another member of the ‘Superfoods’ category. Before delving deeper into the benefits of Spirulina, let us first talk about why superfoods, especially the green variants, are good for your body. Even though you are taking vitamins and you try to have a healthy diet, there are still some essential nutrients from fruits, vegetables and whole grains that you might be missing on. Betacarotene, phytonutrients and antioxidants are examples of what you will get from this food group, which Newsweek tagged to be “Better than Vitamins”.