Do You Need Supplements As You Age
This question has different answers depending on where you are coming from and what culture.
If a person gets a balanced variety of foods in their diet there is probably no need for
vitamin and mineral supplements.

I Don’t Want To Give Up Coffee, and Now I Don’t Have To
I’m not sure how anyone else feels about it, but my day does not start until that first cup of coffee is in my hand, on its way to my mouth. Seriously, my children have learned that even though Mama loves them more than anything else in the whole world, the first thing I want to hear in the morning is my coffee maker, nothing, nor no one else.
Read more on I Don’t Want To Give Up Coffee, and Now I Don’t Have To…

Can Seaweed Fulfill Our Every Nutritional Need?
New scientific research suggests that seaweed might just be the answer to a great many health and nutrition questions.
For thousands of years, in areas of the world where people have obtained the majority of their food from the oceans, seaweed has always been an important part of their diet.
Read more on Can Seaweed Fulfill Our Every Nutritional Need?…

The Raw Facts about Raw Food
The Raw Facts about Raw Food
What started as a trend in California a few years ago is now a way of life for many people in many areas of the country. They are known as Raw Foodists, but that doesn’t mean that they must only eat raw foods, it just means that they eat some type of raw food every day.