BD Spongebob Squarepants Rectal Thermometer
If you have kids at home then you have probably encountered sleepless nights worrying about whether your child’s fever. Kids are especially fidgety when it comes to getting their temperatures no matter what type of thermometer you are using.
Avoid Getting Stiffneck While Reading With The Levo Book Holder
People who are bedridden either at home or in the hospital can make the most of their time reading books and other reading materials without standing or sitting up at all. The Levo Book Holder will make all that possible by allowing a patient to read while lying down on his back.
Read more on Avoid Getting Stiffneck While Reading With The Levo Book Holder…
Track Your Steps With Omron’s Digital Pedometer
I have always loved walking not only because it gives me a chance to release all my pent up emotion and my body’s toxins but it is also one of the easiest low impact exercises that I know. I walk everyday even if I am in my best suit because it sort of makes me feel healthier. A friend however advised me to use Omron’s Digital Pedometer as it will give me a chance to keep track of my steps as well as the calories I have burned.
Read more on Track Your Steps With Omron’s Digital Pedometer…
Test Your Eyesight With Grafco Snellen Type Plastic Eye Chart
If you’ve been to an eye clinic then this home medical equipment would be familiar. I’ve been squinting a lot lately and leaning forward to see the text in my monitor so I decided to schedule a visit to my eye doctor.
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Hygenic’s Thera Band Hand Exercisers For Stress Relief
It’s a new year but after the holidays, everyone is definitely going back to their old busy lives characterized by stress. Office work, family problems, home management—all of these, and more, cause stress. If you are always stressed out for any reason at all then carrying this teeny weeny home medical equipment with you even in the office might help.
Read more on Hygenic’s Thera Band Hand Exercisers For Stress Relief…
Probasics Digit-Ox Finger Pulse Oximeter
Surround Air MiniAire Humidifier For Better Air Quality
You don’t want that to happen especially if you are out all day in the office or are travelling and sleeping in hotels all the time.
The Surround Air MiniAire Humidifier is so small (less than a pound) it can fit in the palm of your hand is thus very portable. You can bring this in the office and bring it back home or you can get two of this for the office and your home. You can even use it in the car by putting the humidifier in the cup and plugging the gadget in your car’s cigarette lighter.
Read more on Surround Air MiniAire Humidifier For Better Air Quality…
Apollo Drop Arm Chair For Easy Sitting And Transfer
If you are living with someone who is suffering from a debilitating illness that prevents him from moving freely, or perhaps someone who has had a heart attack and is semi-paralyze then you may have a use for the Apollo Drop Arm Chair.
Read more on Apollo Drop Arm Chair For Easy Sitting And Transfer…
Save A Life Through ADSAFE CPR Pocket Resuscitator By ADC
How many times have you seen first aiders save a life by putting a resuscitator on the patient’s mouth? This does not happen only in the movies but also in real life and when that happens, you can save a life through the ADSAFE CPR Pocket Resuscitator by ADC
Read more on Save A Life Through ADSAFE CPR Pocket Resuscitator By ADC…
Day-Light Bright Light Therapy System by Uplift Technologies
Suffering from mood swings and the blues? Try Day-Light Bright Light Therapy System by Uplift Technologies. This home medical equipment emits 10,000 levels of light illumination to help regulate your body rhythms.
Read more on Day-Light Bright Light Therapy System by Uplift Technologies…