The Facts About Heart Attack Risks And The Effects Of Aspirin
If any one of your family members suffers from a heart attack, does it increase the likelihood that the other members of the family will have the same disease?
The facts are that if your dad or brother had a heart attack before age 55, or if your mom had one before age 65, you’re more likely to develop heart disease. This does not mean you will have a heart attack. It means you should take good care of your heart to keep it healthy.
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Great Items For Heart Health
Heart health is so very important, so taking care of it should be a priority. Your heart is a hard working organ, must pump blood continuously, never taking a break, never having a rest. The following are a few things you can do to help the health of our heart.

What Can Be Done To Prevent Angina
Angina is also called as angina pectoris and it can give you chest pains which are very painful and can cause lot of stress. This pain is mainly due to myocardial ischemia which means lack of blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The reason for this is mainly due blockages in one or more arteries of the heart.

Heart Attack Symptoms – Is There A Difference Between Men And Women
Most people are aware of the most common signs of heart attack but there are some differences between men and women.
The most common symptom of a heart attack for both men and women is persistent chest pain or pressure that does not go away when you sit or rest. If you experience this seek immediate emergency help. Even if it is not a heart attack you don’t want to take the chance.
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What Are The Treatment Options For Heart Disease
Two of the most common indications of heart disease are chest pain and myocardial heart attack.
The chest pain felt in heart disease occurs because blocked arteries prevent an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients from reaching the heart. The main causes of chest pain can be: increased physical effort, emotional stress, exposure to secondhand smoke, or even by certain meals or weather changes. Chest pain, also called angina, is treated medically with nitroglycerin, beta- blockers or calcium entry blockers.
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Learn The Signs Of Aortic Stenosis
Aortic stenosis is a condition that causes obstruction of blood flow between the left ventricle and the aorta. There are different causes, including obstruction at the valve itself, or narrowing of the aorta above the valve.

Soy For A Healthy Heart
Soy and soybeans are making the news. The advantages of using soy products can’t be emphasized enough. Soy has been proven by the FDA to assist in combating heart disease.
The Food and Drug Administration acknowledged that using soy for a healthy heart helps lower cholesterol. They say that a small addition of the soy protein to ones diet, at least 25 grams, could reduce the risk of heart disease.

How To Keep Your Heart Beat Regular
If you are concerned about heart health then you’ll want to know how to keep your heart beat regular.
Obesity is a common problem that causes heart attacks or heart problems. Yet is it not the only one. What makes obesity so life threatening is that the fat goes in and blocks the arteries and interrupts a healthy heart beat.
The Basics Of Cholesterol And Your Heart
High cholesterol is a hot topic these days. Cholesterol is a lipid which is naturally produced by the body to maintain cell membranes. The body actually makes all the cholesterol it needs for its functions. Our cholesterol level becomes high when either our bodies overproduce cholesterol or we eat foods high in cholesterol.