Fishing For Nutritional Food with Flavor?
Let seafood catch your attention. Seafood provides excellent nutrition, taste, and health benefits that you might have been unaware of before.
Seafood contains protein, vitamins A, D, B 12, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and even glucose. One of the most valuable nutrients in seafood, are Omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of Omega-3 are quite numerous, beginning with basic cell health, and they have been shown to boost immunity, stimulate brain function, help protect against heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. Researchers are studying the connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and the alleviation of symptoms of depression, joint pain, hypertension, skin problems, and even attention deficit disorder.
The Newest News in Nutrition – Olive Oil
A new study in the nutritional benefits of olive oil, conducted by The Environmental, Biochemical, and Nutritional Analytical-Control Research Group, directed by Professors Alberto Fernández Gutiérrez and Antonio Segura Carretero, was completed recently. This study determined that consumption of olive oil rich in polyphenols (natural antioxidants) enhances the health of people suffering from oxidative stress, and is also highly helpful in the deterrence of cell aging and osteoporosis.
Health Benefits Of Chocolate
In historical Aztec times chocolate or ‘Cacao’ was sacred and was associated with love and fertility. It was considered a food for the gods and was used as currency.
Now, why do I call it Cacao and never Cocoa? Raw cacao is the unprocessed bean used to make cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is processed and some of the pure fats are removed.