What Is Cardiac MRI And Who Needs One
MRI is the acronym for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI uses a powerful magnet, radio waves and a computer to get pictures of any body part, including the heart. Cardiac MRI does not expose the patient to any radiation.
What Does It Mean When You’re Told Your Child Has An Ebstein’s Anomaly
Ebstein’s anomaly is an abnormality in the tricuspid valve of the heart. These abnormalities cause the tricuspid valve to leak blood backwards into the right atrium when the right ventricle contracts and as a result, the right atrium becomes enlarged. If this is severe enough, congestive heart failure can result.
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What Does An Abnormal EKG Mean
EKGs are used as a preventative measure for people who have a family history of heart disease.If a patient complains of chest pain or irregular heart beat the doctor will probably do an EKG.
It Feels Like A Heart Attack, But It May Be Panic Attack
Panic attack is a symptom of an anxiety disorder that has emotional and physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms associated with a panic attack include intense feelings of unreasonable and unexplainable fear. Physical symptoms associated with a panic attack include dizziness, a feeling of choking, feelings of faintness, clammy hands, racing heart, and severe shaking, which can all feel like a heart attack
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Information About Cardiac Catheterization
Cardiac catheterization is a procedure that punctures an artery or vein, usually located in the groin area, so that a small, long, flexible tube can be guided into the heart and major vessels around the heart.
Choosing The Correct Heart Rate Monitor
Heart rate monitors are gadgets that are a very wonderful tool to have for both those who have heart related problems and those who are looking to improve their workouts. They are used to monitor your heart rate at all times during the day.
Is Kawasaki Disease Dangerous
Kawasaki Disease (KD) is also called “muco-cutaneous lymph node syndrome.” The cause of Kawasaki Disease has not known.
Kawasaki Disease, usually after a period of time and even without consulting a doctor, resolves itself and the patient is fine. Without consulting a doctor, however, potential serious complications may develop and may not be recognized.
Pulmonary Hypertension Explained
Pulmonary hypertension is a medical condition where the blood flow that leaves the right side of the heart faces an increased pressure.
Normally blood flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary arteries and then flows into smaller and smaller blood vessels until it reaches the capillaries. Oxygen is picked up and carbon dioxide is released. The blood vessels have muscles in their walls that can regulate their diameter and allow more or less blood flow to enter the capillaries.
The Facts About Heart Attack Risks And The Effects Of Aspirin
If any one of your family members suffers from a heart attack, does it increase the likelihood that the other members of the family will have the same disease?
The facts are that if your dad or brother had a heart attack before age 55, or if your mom had one before age 65, you’re more likely to develop heart disease. This does not mean you will have a heart attack. It means you should take good care of your heart to keep it healthy.
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The Link Between Heart Disease And Gum Disease
You probably know that brushing and flossing your teeth can help you prevent bad breath, cavities, and plaque. But, did you know that gum disease may affect your heart? A recent study has said this to be true. A 2005 edition of the journal Circulation, says that “taking good care of your teeth and gums could prevent you from having a stroke or heart attack.”
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