I Don’t Want To Give Up Coffee, and Now I Don’t Have To
I’m not sure how anyone else feels about it, but my day does not start until that first cup of coffee is in my hand, on its way to my mouth. Seriously, my children have learned that even though Mama loves them more than anything else in the whole world, the first thing I want to hear in the morning is my coffee maker, nothing, nor no one else.
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Are You Really Getting All Of Your Nutrients
Once your body has digested and absorbed the food you are eating, are you really getting all the benefit from the nutrients?
Before the nutrients that are contained in the foods you eat have actually entered the blood stream, the nutrients are not actually considered to have entered your body. So you can actually eat a whole lot of good food without correctly absorbing its nutrients.

Does Coffee Affect Diabetics
A recent study from Duke University shows that caffeine increases blood sugar levels in diabetics who regularly drink coffee.
These findings are surprising because coffee contains no calories and has a glycemic index of 0. However, caffeine is a stimulant similar to the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or flight response causes a rise in blood sugar.