I am worried I might already be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. I am a heavy computer user and I have already accepted that among the possible illnesses I will suffer from due to my work, it would either be eye strain or wrist strain.
Most of those who suffer from the syndrome are people who have diabetes, arthritis or are obese. I am not a diabetic nor do I have arthritis and I am positive I am still below obesity range so it must be prolonged periods of computer use.
My doctor suggested a home medical equipment like the Reversible Wrist Splint by Alex as a short term treatment. However, he advised me not to constantly use the splint while working on the computer if I do not want my wrists to weaken. The splint is comfortable though since it is elastic and literally fits like a glove.
Well if you are feeling the same symptoms—-painful wrists, weakness and a tingling sensation—chekc with your doctor first because the splint is not recommended for self- treatment.
Well, I have avoided all activities that will make use of my wrist but I could not keep myself from the computer. It’s work.