The 3 day diet came about in 1985 and is still being used today. Although the 3 day diet is just another fad diet, the plan can be found all over the internet.
The 3 day diet promisses quick weight loss, cleansing, reducing cholesterol, and more energy. However, there is no scientific proof for any of the claims.
The meal plan of this particular diet must be followed exactly for three days at a time, followed by normal eating for four or five days before getting back on the diet again.
The big promise from the 3 day diet of losing up to 10 pounds in three days is what keeps people using it. Most of the weight loss will be water weight and not any fat and will most likley be put right back on which could lead to Yo-Yo dieting.
The 3 day diet does not mention any exercise as well it shouldn’t. With the drastic reduction in calories, personally I would only do this diet if I could spend the 3 days in bed.
It’s rather ironic that the 3 day diet warns dieters ‘not to under-eat, even if they are not hungry’ considering the very small amounts of food allowed.
I wasn’t able to find any recommendations for the 3 day diet so be sure to check with your doctor first.