Drive Medical’s Universal Knee Walker For Those Who Need Walking Aids
The act of walking has never posed a challenge for people who have normal legs or who don’t have leg or knee problems. However, it can be a major issue for those who suffer from one form of medical condition or disability.
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Drive Medical’s Infinite Position Clinical Care Recliner: A Must For Every Clinic
Have you ever tried having your blood taken in one of those blood collection clinics? Then most probably you were asked to sit down in one of those uncomfortable chairs that only made you more apprehensive about the minor medical procedure you are about to undergo.
Read more on Drive Medical’s Infinite Position Clinical Care Recliner: A Must For Every Clinic…

Omni Foot Fantasy Foot And Body Massager
Know Your Weight, Height With Seca Professional Balance Beam Scale With Height Rod
If you have been to a Pediatric clinic then you surely wouldn’t be bored watching kids with their antiques and their moms trying to scare them to behave. One of the things that will usually amuse you is the way the medical assistant takes the weight of the baby using a baby scale where the baby can lie down.
Read more on Know Your Weight, Height With Seca Professional Balance Beam Scale With Height Rod…
Never Miss Your Medication Again With WatchMinder 2 Medication Reminder
You need not miss your next medication against no matter where you are or what time of the day or night thanks to the WatchMinder 2 – Medication Reminder. This home medical equipment is an alarm watch that does not only sound off during a scheduled alarm but it also vibrates making it ideal even for those with hearing problems.
Read more on Never Miss Your Medication Again With WatchMinder 2 Medication Reminder…
Therapist Select Compact Percussion Action Massager With Heat By Homedics: Home Solution To Stress
The Therapist Select Compact Percussion Action Massager with Heat by Homedics is one of those affordable and easy to use home medical equipment that can provide comfort after hours of stress. Working at home can be as stressful as working in a real office especially if you have to take care of children or you have other responsibilities to attend to. At the end of the day, it seems that all your muscles are sore from sitting down and from just thinking about how you can possibly do everything given 24 hours a day.
HairMax Laser Comb Premium By Lexington Intl.
Losing your hair? Try the HairMax Laser Comb Premium from Lexington International.
This homes medical equipment has been approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration to fight hair loss without using any drug at all. The FDA tested the equipment and reported that the subjects had greatly increased their hair density.

Animal Care Through The Littmann Veterinary Stethoscope by 3M
At first glance, the Littmann Veterinary Stethoscope by 3M looks just like the ordinary stethoscope being used by my doctor or his aide when I go to the clinic for a check up. After reading the home medical equipment’s name for the second time though, I realized this was not for humans but for animals needing veterinary care.
I have seen my veterinarian use this home medical equipment on my pet dog when he wants to physically assess him or dianose whatever it is he may be feeling. There are occassion when Polka does not feel well so I call the Veterinarian now and again.
Read more on Animal Care Through The Littmann Veterinary Stethoscope by 3M…

Handheld Portable Nebulizer

Body Sox Therapeutic Sacks
If you think this is child’s play then you are absolutely right. However, this Body Sox Therapeutic Sacks are not just for playing but they are primarily therapeutic sacks that encourages creative movement and spacial awareness among kids and adults alike.