Kelp As A Rich Source Of Iodine
The ocean does not just serve as habitat for the seafoods that we love to eat – it also provides us with one of nature’s richest source of iodine: kelp.
Kelp or seaweeds offer a lot of benefits to your health. For years now, kelp and other varieties of sea vegetables serve as a main ingredient in Japanese recipes. Aside from being an excellent source of iodine, kelp contains vitamin K, folate, magnesium, calcium, iron and trytophan.
Green Peas, A Wonderful Gift Of Nature
If you remember your mom or your grandmother insisting that you eat your peas when you were a kid – this is not for lack of good reason. Fresh, green peas are a wonderful gift of nature which provides a wide array of health benefits. If you dislike the taste of peas, you will surely be missing out on a lot of nutrients that the body needs.
Good-Food-for-the-Heart Series: Red Wine
In honor of Valentine’s Day which will be celebrated on the 14th of February, we will feature our Good-Food-for-the-Heart series for the next couple of weeks. These foods are not just delicious, rich, luscious and decadent – but more importantly, they contribute greatly in improving your heart’s health.

Fishing For Nutritional Food with Flavor?
Let seafood catch your attention. Seafood provides excellent nutrition, taste, and health benefits that you might have been unaware of before.
Seafood contains protein, vitamins A, D, B 12, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and even glucose. One of the most valuable nutrients in seafood, are Omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of Omega-3 are quite numerous, beginning with basic cell health, and they have been shown to boost immunity, stimulate brain function, help protect against heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. Researchers are studying the connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and the alleviation of symptoms of depression, joint pain, hypertension, skin problems, and even attention deficit disorder.

What Exactly Is A Diet Plan
Following a diet plan means going by a particular pattern of food intake in order to attain certain specific short-term goals. Diet plans should not be confused with lifestyle changes where one tries to shape one’s general habit of eating so as to derive long term health benefits.

4 Steps To Detoxify And Shed Some Pounds With The Fruit Diet
Eating only fruit for a short period of time (this is not recommended for more than a few days) will allow your body time to rid itself of toxins, purify and lose approximately 5 pounds.
Read more on 4 Steps To Detoxify And Shed Some Pounds With The Fruit Diet…

How the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Helps You Lose Weight.
The apple cider vinegar diet has been used for centuries dating back to the ancient Egyptians.This diet helps to reduce fats and impurities in the liver which is an important part of weight loss. If the liver cannot process fats correctly they will be stored in the body.
Read more on How the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Helps You Lose Weight….

What Are Triglycerides?
Triglycerides are the chemical name by which most fats in food are known. They are also found in blood plasma after the body converts the foods we eat, such as carbohydrates. The body doesn’t use all of calories that we ingest, and stores them for later use, releasing triglycerides as we need them.

Are Business Travels Nutrient Deficient
People of all ages live such hectic lifestyles, that eating nutritious meals is seen as something of a luxury to. However, this healthy eating dilemma is greater for the typical business traveler.

The Facts About The Green Weight Loss Tea
Green tea is believed to help you to lose weight. Fighting the battle of the extra pounds has become a serious matter today.
Does weight loss tea work? Well, kind of. It has caffeine in it, and caffeine does give your metabolism a slight boost with the effect called “thermogenesis.”