Can A Patient Actually Grow Heart Cells
Recently researchers have successfully grown master heart cells in a test tube and used them to significantly improve heart function in lab mice. This is an amazing achievement a promising discovery in the fight against cardiovascular disease.
Foods To Cleanse Your Liver
Most of us don’t think about the foods that will keep our liver strong. But, if you have been using a diet that is good for your overall health, then, most likely you are helping your liver.

Is Diet Soda Harmful When You’re Dieting?
When you think of nutrition, eating healthy and dieting, most likely you are more concerned about the food you eat than the beverages you drink. You may think having a diet soda couldn’t do any harm and will help you lose weight. However, if you indulge too much it could add up to trouble in the long run.

Healthy Weight Loss Is Smart
Losing weight is all about healthy eating, not starving yourself. Most people are confused about eating healthy and dieting when it comes to weight loss. For those struggling to lose excess pounds, studies have shown a direct correlation between healthy eating and weight loss.

Is Nutrition Linked To Breast Cancer
Cancer is the number 2 killer in the United States just below heart disease. It has been estimated that 1/3 of cancers are linked to diet.
Researchers have found that women who eat lots of fruits and vegetables have a much lower rate of breast cancer. The minimum servings per day recommended are 5, aiming for 10 servings.

What You Should Know About Vitamin And Mineral Supplements
Everyone knows supplements can be expensive but they can be dangerous also.
Vitamins break down into water soluble and fat-soluble. Typically there is more concern with the fat soluble vitamins (A,D, E & K) because they are not excreted from your body. The excess of water soluble vitamins like B and C will get flushed out of the body but with the fat soluble vitamins the excess is retained in your body.
Read more on What You Should Know About Vitamin And Mineral Supplements…
Apple Cider Vinegar, More Than Just Your Average Health Food
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then a daily dose of apple cider vinegar has even more benefits to your health – and your diet. This is the reason why apple cider vinegar diets are so popular. Apple cider vinegar is unfiltered, organic and is made from fermented apples. It contains pectin, beta carotene, as well as essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, chlorine and phosphorous.
Read more on Apple Cider Vinegar, More Than Just Your Average Health Food…

Nutrition Basics Of Protein
Carbohydrates, fats and protein can all be broken down into smaller units.
Each one of those smaller units can be sub-divided. In the case of proteins, proteins are made up of amino acids. Not all proteins have the eight essential amino acids that the body needs. If you are consuming protein and you don’t get the essential ones for
long periods of time, you are putting yourself at risk of becoming malnourished. In places around the world where food isn’t so plentiful, children can become malnourished and develop diseases such as Kwashiorkor. These children have distended tummies, however the rest of their bodies are fine, this unfortunately is caused by a protein deficiency.

What Is A Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
An implantable cardioverter defibrillator is a device designed for individuals with certain forms of heart disease or defects that put them at recurring risk of sustained ventricular fibrillation, or cardiac arrest. They are a sort of pacemaker. The device is implanted either within the chest itself, or more recently, within the blood vessels which eliminates the need for open chest surgery.
Read more on What Is A Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator…
The A In Health Stands For Apricots
Apricots are a member of the plum family, which can be bought best and in-season during the month of June. If you are looking for a juicy fruit with a delectable peaches-and-plums-flavor, apricot is exactly what you are looking for.