The Medicinal Properties Of Shiitake Mushrooms
Although shiitake mushrooms are a popular and tasty gourmet mushroom, they have also been used for centuries in Asian medicine.
Shiitake mushrooms are a popular mushroom which is used in Asian cuisine. They are umbrella shaped and have a golden brown color. Shiitake mushrooms typically grow on trees which have fallen.
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What Everyone Should Know About Using Ear Stapling To Lose Weight.
Ear stapling to lose weight is sometimes called body piercing as well as acupuncture. Some call it crazy.
The procedure itself is not complicated. A practitioner uses a special staple gun to put ‘staple’ through the ‘point zero’ of the ear.
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Sweet Kiwi
I just recently heard Maroon 5’s song “Kiwi” from their latest album. Although the mention of the fruit in the song is from an entirely different context, I think that the real essence of the fruit is worth discussing here.

While researching the article for this post, I happened across information that declared that microwave ovens are harmful to our health. That opinion caused me some concern because as a working mother, my children eat a great deal of food that is prepared in the microwave. Our microwave cooks breakfast, lunch, and occasionally dinner for my family. I purchase food that is meant to be prepared in the microwave so that my children can eat healthy, nutritious meals that I don’t have to spend hours cooking and cleaning up.

I Don’t Want To Give Up Coffee, and Now I Don’t Have To
I’m not sure how anyone else feels about it, but my day does not start until that first cup of coffee is in my hand, on its way to my mouth. Seriously, my children have learned that even though Mama loves them more than anything else in the whole world, the first thing I want to hear in the morning is my coffee maker, nothing, nor no one else.
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The Facts On Long Term Prognosis For Patients With Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy is a serious disease. However, like most diseases, dilated cardiomyopathy happens with a range of severity and outcome.
Depending on the cause and the degree of irreversible damage to the heart muscle, about 1/3 of patients have persistent poor heart function, 1/3 improve but are left with some heart dysfunction, and 1/3 recover completely.
Read more on The Facts On Long Term Prognosis For Patients With Cardiomyopathy…
Nutritious Delicious Apricots
Apricots are not only delicious but nutritionally sound. Although dried and canned Apricots are available year-round, fresh Apricots with a plentiful supply of vitamin C, are in season from May through August. Apricots are regarded as a nutritious and tonic food and enjoy world wide popularity.
What Everyone Should Know About The Protein Diet.
Low-carb diets have been all the rage for awile, but now high-protein diets are bursting onto the scene as the latest buzz in weight control. The latest research has indicated that the protein diet may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.
Read more on What Everyone Should Know About The Protein Diet….
Does Yogurt’s Live Bacteria Lead To Longer Life?
For years now, we have long been searching for foods which will serve as the ‘fountain of youth’ and help prevent the signs of aging from showing up. If there is one food that comes close to bagging this title, it is the healthy, deliciously light snack that we have all come to love: yogurt.
In other countries where yogurt and other dairy products which are fermented serve as their staple food, the people live longer lives as compared to those who do not consume as much yogurt. This is due to the fact that yogurt contains live bacteria and microorganisms which provides a host of health benefits like helping boost your immune system and keeping a good balance between the good and bad cholesterol.
Read more on Does Yogurt’s Live Bacteria Lead To Longer Life?…
Good-Food-for-the-Heart Series: Chocolate
This is the culmination of our Good-Food-for-the-Heart series, where for the past week we have featured foods which are beneficial to the heart’s health.
To honor the occasion, let’s talk about one of the most popular – and addictive – food during February 14: chocolates. Specifically, we will tackle the health benefits of dark chocolate.