Why Your Body Needs Vitamin B12
You may have always heard about how the body needs vitamin B12 but do you really know what it is? Basically, vitamin B12 is a compound which is essential for normal brain function, nervous system function and cell regeneration. This vitamin is needed to maintain healthy red blood cells and nerves.
The Wonderful World Of Bell Peppers
Crunchy, nutritious and tangy – these are the words which best describe bell peppers. They come in a rainbow of different colors like red, yellow, white, blue, green, purple, orange, brown and black.

Teach Your Kids To Climb The Pyramid
Children, who start eating healthy early in life, are more likely to continue eating healthy throughout their lives. Nutritional needs change as a person grows, but the importance of nutrition begins in early childhood. Infants receive all of their nutrition from breast milk, or formula. Small children eat what we offer them, and it is up to us as parents to make sure that we provide the nutrition they require.
Navy Beans, An Excellent Source Of Fiber
Putting beans on top of your favorite foods list may sound boring, but there are a lot of ways that they can be enjoyed. Navy beans taste great in Mexican bean burritos, Italian pasta, chili, bean soup and baked beans.

Top 10 fad diets – Their Weaknesses Revealed.
Fad diets are just that. They really have no long term value and most people re-gain any weight lost when they resume eating normally. The down falls of the top ten fad diets are as follows:

Can You Eat Cookies And Lose Weight?
Believe it or not there is a diet called the cookie diet. This particular diet lets you have one meal only per day: dinner. The meal is made of 6 ounces of chicken, turkey, fish or seafood and one cup of vegetables.

Who Needs A Pacemaker
A normal heartbeat comes from the heart’s natural pacemaker called the “sinus node.” When the sinus node sends signals, a wave of electricity then moves across the upper chambers of the heart causing the upper chambers to contract.

Why You May Not Be Losing Weight On A Low Calorie Diet.
If you have been trying to shed some unwanted pounds with a drastic reduction in calories and it’s not working, there is a legitimate reason.
The reason people have trouble losing weight on this type of diet is the body feels like it is starving. A person’s body realizes that there has been a drastic reduction in calorie intake when switching to a low calorie diet. The body’s metabolism will then adjust to the amount of calories by burning fewer calories each day.
Read more on Why You May Not Be Losing Weight On A Low Calorie Diet….
Spelling Out The Health Benefits Of Spelt
As a member of the whole grains family, spelt may not be as popular as whole, wheat, rye or barley. However, the health benefits of this ancient grain cannot beat that of its ‘cousins’, plus people who are allergic to wheat can use spelt as their alternative whole grain source.
Vitamin K In The Fight Against The Big C
Although vitamin K is the less ‘popular’ among the line of essential vitamins and nutrients, this does not necessarily mean that it is any less important. Vitamin K is basically the body’s problem fixer: this fat-soluble vitamin prevents hemorrhaging or unchecked bleeding throughout the body, which also allows wound and cuts to heal much faster. The name is actually derived from the term coagulation, which is the primary function of vitamin K.