Get All That Juicy, Reddish Goodness From Beetroot!
Mention the words green, leafy vegetables and a lot of people – especially kids – would curl their lips in distaste. Veggies may be good for the health but they do not have a lot of fans in the taste department. However, there is a more nutritious and healthy alternative – which comes in the form of beetroot.
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How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays?
The holiday season is traditionally a difficult time for people to eat healthy. Christmas dinner with all the tasty trimmings is enough to make even the strictest dieters and nutritionists give in to temptation. And the cookies, candies, pies, puddings, and other delectable delights are almost impossible to deny one’s self.

Keep Your Weight Loss Interesting With South Beach Diet Recipes
If you are starting or have been on the South Beach Diet for a while, but feel limited by the food choices, you can put some variety into your diet with the following South Beach Diet recipes.
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Is Spinach The Ultimate Food For Men?
In the cartoon series Popeye the Sailorman, we always see him grow to be the abundantly-muscled hero in Olive Oyl’s life as he beat Brutus after finishing off a can of spinach.
Good Old Cabbage Offers Therapeutic Benefits
The cabbage that we know is not just good for coleslaw. Instead of including it in our menus at least two to three times a week, this vegetable remains unnoticed in supermarkets. Why? Because a lot of people are not aware of the therapeutic effects brought about by cabbage.

Can You Get Pain Relief With An Arthritis Diet
If you are one of the millions of adults that suffer from arthritis, then you know how painful it can become. However, you don’t have to continue to suffer. If you follow an arthritis diet it will help with the pain.
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How to Lose Weight and Win $2000 Quickly
How would you wish to lose some pounds and also get the chance to win as a lot as $2000 simply? Sounds interesting? In fact it’s, in these days it might be very unimaginable to get even a $100 bucks totally free and best of all get it because you might have successfully obtain your desired form or weight.

Does Coffee Affect Diabetics
A recent study from Duke University shows that caffeine increases blood sugar levels in diabetics who regularly drink coffee.
These findings are surprising because coffee contains no calories and has a glycemic index of 0. However, caffeine is a stimulant similar to the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or flight response causes a rise in blood sugar.

Vitamin C For Your Skin
The skin is the body’s largest organ. It can also be a problem area.
The skin and its care is one of the biggest concerns of people as they age. Vitamin C is used in skin care to help prevent premature aging and damage from the suns rays.
The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C allows it to bond with and remove damaging radicals in the skin from pollution, cigarette smoke and other sources. Vitamin C is also a necessary part of the body’s production of collagen which is the fiber that makes tissues retain elasticity. So the use of Vitamin C in a daily skin care helps make skin look full and firm.
Good-Food-for-the-Heart Series: Ground Flaxseed
Flaxseed may not be as popular as the sesame seeds used in hamburger buns but they are no less nutritious. This ancient grain comes in a variety of earthy colors and it has a warm, nutty flavor.
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