Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe
The jury still seems to be out on whether or not the cabbage soup diet is a fad diet or not.
Some people, when using the cabbage soup diet recipe for weight loss will feel a little light-headed and/or irritable. It is only recommended for seven days. This diet is not designed for long term weight loss – in fact, most (but not all) of the weight you will lose is water.

Heart Disease Among African Americans
African Americans have a heart disease rate of over 36%. Millions of African Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease and the numbers are nearly one in five.
African Americans have a higher rate of heart disease due to three of the risk factors: high blood pressure, being overweight and higher rates of diabetes.
Folic Acid For Women’s And Baby’s Health
Spinach, dried beans, peas, fortified cereals, sunflower seeds, turnip greens, liver and asparagus all have one thing in common: they are rich in folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin which is important for both women and babies, since it helps prevent birth defects. Folic acid is the synthetic equivalent of folate, which is essential for the production of new cells in the human body.
Do Fatty Acids Help With ADHD
A new study in Nutrition Journal finds that young people with ADHD have a noticeably different amount of fatty acids in their cells.
When you examine the red blood cells of kids with ADHD, there are some striking differences compared with cells from others. In general, you’ll find a higher ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s. The cells of the kids with ADHD are also quite low in DHA, a specific omega-3 fatty acid that is closely linked with healthy brain development. It seems that low omega-3 levels are directly related with behavioral symptoms.

B12 To Help Avoid Cardiovascular Disease
The entire complex of B vitamins is essential for health, but B12 is for heart health.
Vitamin B12 is required for the body’s manufacture of the essential amino acid, methionine, and the associated enzyme, methionine synthase. An inadequate supply of this enzyme may lead to an excess of homocysteine. This is a naturally occurring protein in the body and has been associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies show that people with blood homocysteine levels in the top 20% of the range faced a more than doubled risk of cardiovascular disease.

All About Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic heart disease refers to a variety of abnormal cardiac conditions which include heart valve scarring and endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart).
Rheumatic heart disease can be caused by rheumatic fever, which was once one of the prime killers of children. Rheumatic fever may cause inflammation of the heart valves and scarring of the valve leaflets. This can result in leaking valves or severe narrowing of the valve.
The Numerous Health Benefits Of Garlic
Although a lot of people dislike its strong and pungent odor, garlic is still one of the best natural remedies which also brings about a lot of benefits to one’s health. Raw garlic, when crushed, releases ‘Allicin’, a sulphur compound which gives the plant its unique smell and taste.

The Top Five Diet Tips.
The Remarkable Health Benefits Of Acai Fruit
Have you ever heard of this unusual fruit which is called Acai? The Acai fruit is actually a member of the berry family which grows from a special palm tree iin the Amazon.