Recently the news carried the story that a researcher had discovered that taking vitamin E at a level of 400IU or more increases the risk of death. But is this true?
Hundreds of studies have shown the beneficial effects of vitamin E on numerous diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease, epilepsy and infertility.
The researcher who claimed Vitamin E can be harmful investigated mortality statistics from existing studies and came to a conclusion that people should not take 400IUs of vitamin E or they may die.
When looking at the details behind this, there remains no basis for suggesting that high levels of natural vitamin E are dangerous, but rather, there is significant reason for believing that vitamin E is a good thing.
However, are vitamin E supplements necessary? No, not if you are eating a varied diet of raw, organic, natural foods, exercising daily and are not subject to any workplace or other environmental pollutants. If that is not how you are living, then 1000IU of a natural vitamin E tocopherol mix is a very good idea. This replaces what would be present in a natural raw diet and helps offset modern toxins, pollutants and stresses. It is also supported by a mountain of good scientific research.
Ask your doctor before beginning any supplements.