Have you ever been around someone who wears too much perfume or cologne? It can be extremely unpleasant for co-workers and people who are close to them at the movie theater or on the bus. These people usually have no idea that their cologne is way too strong to those around them. In fact, it may be the result a zinc deficiency.
At the recent annual conference of the American College of Nutrition, researchers showed the results of an interesting study that found that those who over-apply cologne have dramatically lower zinc levels than normal. Zinc affects ones sense of taste and smell. As well, zinc is critical for a healthy immune system and neurological function.
It can be a sticky situation to approach someone about what seems like a personal hygene matter. But if anyone has ever dropped a hint that your cologne might be a little over-powering, look into the possibility that low zinc levels are lowering your sense of smell.
Good food sources of zinc include meat, dairy products, shell-fish, nuts, and beans. The Recommended Daily Allowance is around 10mg per day, but before you increase your zinc, talk to your doctor.