This question has different answers depending on where you are coming from and what culture.
If a person gets a balanced variety of foods in their diet there is probably no need for
vitamin and mineral supplements.
There is a section of the population that don’t really get enough variety in their diet, and really just stick to certain foods, such as vegetarians, so they do need a supplement. However health conscious people who eat a well balanced variety of food probably don’t need a supplement.
If one is pregnant or nursing or if there is some other need for vitamins and minerals according to your doctor, then vitamin and mineral supplements are a good idea.
Vitamin and mineral supplements really only have great value if you’re not getting them in your diet. Some chronic dieters who diet consistently won’t be getting enough vitamins and minerals, so sometimes it is a good idea for them to take a supplement.
As you age, does that mean you need a vitamin supplement? Yes, there are quite a few vitamins and minerals that may be lacking. As you age your absorption of nutrients declines in your later years and your body’s need for B6, B12, calcium and vitamin D increases.
Ask your doctor if you need vitamin and mineral supplements.