Jenny Craig is one of the biggest weight loss programs in the country. The program stresses good nutrition and moderate activity.
Jenny Craig has more than 600 locations in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Puerto Rico. If you enroll in the Jenny Craig diet program, you will receive a weight loss instruction book and you’ll be able to locate a weight loss partner through an online bulletin board.
The Jenny Craig diet program offers two general approaches to weight loss. With the first approach, you report to a Jenny Craig Center, where you receive individual consultations. The consultant will work with you to develop daily menus. You get the food directly from the company.
The second approach is an at-home program in which you can have phone conversations with your consultant. You order your food every two weeks, with menus and other materials delivered to your home, within five to seven days after your order has been placed.
According to dieticians at Northwestern University, the Jenny Craig diet program does have its drawbacks. For instance, it offers little in the way of fiber, and those who follow the program may not consume enough iron and zinc.
Is the Jenny Craig diet program appropriate for you? The answer depends largely on your personal preferences. If you do not want the hassle of having to shop for your own low-fat food, Jenny Craig offers an attractive option. However, if you want professional weight loss advice, you do not like the idea of buying company food, then a different program may benefit you more.
Make sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any diet.