When enzymes in the small intestine don’t break down the bulky part of food, that food is likely to be called fiber. Fiber usually has little nutritional value, but bulk prevents constipation and cuts down on intestinal disorders. Fiber and weight loss do go together when you are eliminating wastes from your system
Another add4ed benefit of incorporating fiber and weight loss is a high-fiber diet may help to lower cancer rates and lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Nearly all of dietary fiber comes from plants. Fibers include legumes, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and bran.
Fiber and weight loss go hand in hand when high fiber foods are also low in calories like fresh fruits and vegetables. Also fiber is filling because it absorbs water as it moves through the digestive tract.
Some of the other foods that go along with fiber and weight loss may include: rice cakes, carrots, air-popped popcorn, apples and other fresh fruits. Whole grains also provide additional fiber and should be included in the diet where possible. Little additions of fiber throughout the day in the diet can contribute to the daily total.
When looking to incorporate fiber and weight loss, fiber should be increased gradually to avoid problems such as bloating, gas and constipation. As well be sure to drink plenty of low calorie fluids to avoid constipation.
Of course when incorporating fiber and weight loss it is important to eat well-balanced foods. And as always before beginning any new eating habits ask your doctor how to best put together fiber and weight loss.