The suddenly slim diet is a weight loss program that uses diet pills and meal replacement shakes.
The plan has a list of products which make up the suddenly slim diet called, Slim ‘N Up. The products are Slim ‘N Up Free!, Reneu’, and Body FX. All of the products contain a lot of herbal ingredients, which are also found in diet pills.
Some of the ingredients in the suddenly slim products are garcinia campogia, ephedra extract, chromium picolinate, and off course green tea. Also there is kola nut, hydroxycitric acid, chitin, dandelion root, cayenne, L-carnitine and many others.
The suddenly slim diet pill program has the ingredients of the almost every weight-loss plan that uses herbal ingredients. The difference between the suddenly slim diet and some other programs is that most diet-pill companies specialize in specific ingredients for their product
The goal of the suddenly slim diet ingredients is to create a thermogenic (heat) effect in the body. This is to increase the body’s metabolism and burn calories without drastically changing your diet or increasing exercise which is not a long term solution.
One should always be careful with diet pills, talk to your doctor and understand that suddenly slim is not a long term solution to weight loss.