Inexplicably enough, the word prunes always had a negative connotation, referring to wrinkly old skin or the fruit which is used in nursing homes to cure stomach disorders. This is the reason why there has been a revived marketing campaign to renew this fruit’s image. A brand which went into this path is California Dried Plums.
It will be such a waste to ignore this healthy and delicious fruit just because of a ‘bad image’ since dried plums are a great source of dietary fiber. Eating five pieces of dried plums will provide you with 3 grams of fiber. This does not only help clear the digestive system, but it also helps regulate your cholesterol and blood-sugar level.
Dried plums are also full of antioxidants which help fight free radicals which cause cell damage. The neochlorogenic acids, cholorogenic acids, phenolic compounds, vitamins and minerals serve as the antioxidants in dried plums. Aside from this, the phytochemicals in dried plums help lower the risks of certain cancers. With all these health benefits and more, it is a must to include dried plums as part of your daily snack food or appetizer.